Međunarodni ženski vaterpolo turnir – 2019



Utakmice će se odigrati po novim FINA vaterpolo pravilima, uključujući sljedeće promjene:

- Nakon kornera i isključenja igrača momčadi koja se brani, vrijeme novog napada (tzv. drugi napad) je smanjeno na 20 sekundi, a ne kao dosad 30 sekundi.

- Unutar 6 metara od gola, svaki prekršaj s leđa nad napadačem koji ima loptu i kreće se prema suparničkom golu, te pokušava šutirati, bit će kažnjen petercem.

- Slobodan udarac ili izvođenje lopte će se izvoditi s mjesta gdje je lopta, osim ukoliko je prekršaj napravljen unutar 2 metra udaljenosti od gola.

- Moguće je postizanje gola izravnim šutem iz slobodnog udarca izvan 6 metara.

- Izvođač kornera može postići izravnim šutem iz kuta ili plivanjem iz kornera i šutom, bez dodavanja lopte suigraču.

- Moguće su tzv. leteće zamjene igrača do linije sredine bazena.

- Svaka momčad ima pravo na po 2 time-outa tijekom susreta.

- Vratar može krenuti i u napad odnosno smije preplivati u drugi dio bazena.

- Pauza između 2. i 3. četvrtine traje 3 minute.


The matches will be played under new FINA water polo rules including following rule changes:

- The possesion time to be reset to 20 seconds after:

a) a corner throw awarded;
b) a rebound after a shot which does not cause change of possession and
c) afer an exclusion

- Inside the 6m area, when a player is swimming with and/or holding the ball and is impeded (attacked) from behind during an attempt to shoot, a penalty foul must be awarded (unless only the ball is touched by the defender)

- Free throw shall be taken from the location of the ball (except if the foul is committed inside the 2m line)

- A goal may be scored from a free throw awarded outside 6 meters from a direct shot or after fake or dribble or putting the ball on the water. (Referees shall use signals if the foul happened outside the 6m line.)

- A player taking a corner throw may shoot directly or swim and shoot without passing or pass to another player.

- An additional subsitution re-entry area will be at any place between the goal line and the center field line for flying substitution.

- Each team may request 2 time-outs during the game at any time while possessing the ball.

- The goalkeeper is allowed to move beyond and touch the ball past the half distance line.

- There shall be a 3-minute interval betwenn the second and third period.