NaslovnicaNogometMakarska CupPredstavljanje ACS Kids Tampa Brasova

Predstavljanje ACS Kids Tampa Brasova

Intervju Tampa Brasov

Menager ACS Kids Tampa Brasov iz Rumunjske nam je kratkim crtama, predstavio ekipu s kojom će probati osvojiti ovogodišnji Makarska Kup. S obzirom da imaju veliko međunarodno iskustvo igranja sa Portom, Barcelonom, Bayernom, Juventusom, biti će zanimljivo pratiti njihov nastup.
Vaduva Nicolae – menager ACS Kids Tampa Brasova

SM: Where do you come from, and perhaps shortly, the history of your club?

Our club born in october 2009 and we have around 250 kids in 12 category. In the club we have 12 coaches, 1 phisycal coach and 1 goolkeper coach for performance we are the champios of romania in U11 with generation 2003 and also we are number 3 in national championship in romania on U( category with generation 2003 and generation 2004. also in generation 2003 we have 2 players in national team of Romania.
Our club is invited every year in good tournament and play with team like FC Porto,FC Barcelona,Bayern Munchen,Juventus Torino,etc also us we organize the bigest tournaments for children from east europe BRASOV JUNIORS CUP in august with 200teams participate in 10 category and BRASOV INDOOR CUP in february where participate around 300teams.
In Makarska we come because we want to developed our players and grow up ,the croatian footbal have a very good level so when i see on facebook details about this tournament i ask the organizer wich team come in tournament and then we decide to come and play.
In tournament this year we come with 2 teams U14 (born 2004-2005) like i say before 3 years ago they was in 3 position in natinal championship………we not have all players from that moment because one at them go ad play now for OSC Lile in France and other 2 in Hagi Academy from Romania. The other team is U12 (born 2006) and is a good team who play untill now with top academies(juventus,bayern,liverpool,dortmund,benfica,etc) and they make a good impresion.
I hope the both team to play a very good football on field and make a good impresion for the fans and other team who come in Makarska Cup 2018 because we want to make a good propagand for romanian football because i know the organizer would make everithing to put us the best condition for play.
For other teams i wish them good luck in the competition and for your readers we invite them on the field because i am sure they can watch in that 3 day competition to a nice and quality football making by the players can the the next STARS in profesional football.